This is our specialty, with over 27 years experience working on information technology in schools, we offer a unique perspective on where technology has been and where it is going. Unique relationships develop with teachers, administrators and parents throughout the course of technology in schools. It is our pleasure to ensure a smooth technology environments for students and teachers.
ICCI has worked in high school technology director positions in our 27 years of experience. Working in Northern Michigan Public Schools, to private and parochial schools in SouthEastern Michigan, we offer a wide gamet of experience across systems such as Microsoft Windows Servers, all versions, Microsoft Exchange Servers, Mac servers, Lunch systems, PowerSchool and other SIS. Working as the database administrator allowing access across all systems for smooth transitions between school years. Teacher training is a must and is provided yearly, and on a one-to-one basis regularly.
Our specialty, and service oriented approach make us a perfect fit for your school. Contact us today for a consultation.